Additional Information and Mood of
our Story for Actors, Artists and Cinematographers
ABOUT ITALY’S ‘FASCIST YOUTH.’ The main protagonist, Vittorio Perantoni,
is presented as an ardent member of Italy’s ‘Fascist Youth.’ Therefore, the following
description will help set the proper mood and discernment about Italian ‘Fascist Youth.’ The early years
of Fascism had begun in 1920s Italy as a 'Youth Movement' with a certain glamor that had gradually become
popular also to young people in other nations. The image of 'Fascist Youth' in its early period was not the likeness of
a rigid-militaristic aura as we might perceive it in today’s modern post-war era. However, in the late 1930s Germany's "Hitler Youth" changed the personality of what had begun in Italy as quite harmless, even innocuous. The popular early
'Fascist Youth Movement' was a civilian social phenomenon that might compare to the movement of the 1960s "generation
gap" who shared 'love and peace’ among themselves – with social protest to blame the older generation for their culture of hate and an economy of war for which Anglo-American youth would be sent
to kill and to be killed in distant Asian lands. Likewise, the early 'Fascist Youth Movement' had
plenty to blame their older generation for the disastrous political and economic conditions that the
so-called "GREAT WAR" had plagued the nations – Huge losses and nothing gained. The 1920s 'Youth
Movement' believed they had solutions to the problems of "Great War aftermath" thus
distinguishing themselves to be a 'cut above' their older generation.
In the 1920s, Mussolini led Italy to
a quick recovery from the devastating consequences of the "Great War" – thus,
gaining international respect and admiration for Italy's Fascist Youth.
The 'Fascist Youth' movement gradually
spread throughout Italy developing their distinct style of interacting and imparting their way of life. They were
the 'in-crowd' of the 1920s, sharing the music and songs of Fascism and having their way of dress and attire.
Like the 'generation gap' of the 1960s, young people had to be Fascist - or be 'square'. In the 1920s Fascism
had become fashionable ... and it was fascinating! But, in the late 1930s, Germany's
"Hitler Youth" changed the novel charm of Italy's Fascist Youth. The international allure was gone forever
and the original 'Young Fascists' replaced the older generation. WWII turned out to be their version of the "Great War" – and it buried the remembrance of them.
Our screenplay is a
family novel in war drama genre.
It's an adaptation of Arrivederci Leopolis by George Perantoni
and Sam Ivey (Amazon 2011).
Its style is upbeat as
much as possible, by not indulging too much in the horrors of the war, while still alluding to the atrocities
happening. It's not a film to shock or terrify. Instead, it's
a story presenting uncommon historical facts, even unveiling some, and staged to provide history and
entertainment at the same time. It's neither a documentary story nor a
re-enactment, but a captivating novel loaded with fascinating originality. Our exceptional
screenplay can reach the common interests of diverse audiences in Europe, the
United States, Canada, and Australia. The script’s
extraordinary storyline ought to attract large international audiences --
in view of the screenplay's... ... seven thought-provoking
controversial subjects.
CONTROVERSIES: (A true story in
Seven remarkable controversies presented in their true historical chronology. Not 7 separate
narratives, but seven sensational events embracing our story's main theme* - From Poland's summer of 1939
- - to liberated northern Italy in 1945-1946. *Our story's main theme contains lighter diverting
portions in between the seven historical events with random flashbacks to May & June 1929, joining them into a single family novel loaded
of engaging originality.
THE WAR OF LIONS - Reprisal of the LIONS |

THE WAR OF LIONS - Reprisal of the LIONS |
"The War of Lions" © 2015 – Screenplay adapted from our family novel "Arrivederci Leopolis" by Sam Ivey & George Perantoni © 2011 BASED ON A TRUE STORY: A Family Novel - War Drama set against the background of World War II - from 2 weeks before the Nazi-Soviet invasions of Poland ... ... to the post-war
Betrayal of Poland. A Narrative of WWII's historical
events and consequences experienced through the lives of an Italian wine exporter,
his family,
and Polish friends.


Short preview
of our Screenplay "The War of Lions": Vittorio
Perantoni (Victor) is a Polish born Italian national with dual citizenship living in Lwów, Poland.
In the 1930s Vittorio and his older brother Luigi work with their father, Carlo Perantoni, at operating the family’s successful winery-pasta tavern, and managing their import business of wine sales and distributing
wine from Italy. But the Nazi-Soviet invasions
of Poland change all of that. When the Italian Consulate orders Italian nationals to evacuate Poland, the
Perantoni family is suddenly forced to abandon their considerable wealth behind. Victor’s girlfriends
will also be left behind as he flees to Switzerland to avoid Italy's Fascist draft. Left too are his Polish friends André, Franki, and 'Padre.' All these persons will be scattered
as they face the fears, hardships, and the physical abuses of World War Two. The war drags on and Europe burns. His Polish friends
André and Franki are arrested and routed to Siberia, but then ordered into the newly formed Polish
Forces of General Wladyslaw Anders; Victor's girlfriend Dani faces deportation to a Nazi death camp; and Vittorio
too is nearly captured and imprisoned. From both sides of enemy lines all are wondering: will life ever be the same again? “The War of Lions” will show you life during World War II through the eyes of the Perantoni family. You will see it as you have never seen it before, and you will be gratified
by numerous incidents where Nazi Wehrmacht leaders and Soviet officials had been outwitted by guile
and fearlessness. The
originality of our story is fantastic. It gives a fresh view on World War Two from a perspective that hasn’t
been seen before. It focuses on the people, not the armies, thus offering a very unique view and positive
perspective with which to view this era. See the Sudden and Utter Destruction of our
Native Town Volargne With great misfortune, you will see the Perantoni family's native hometown in Italy, Volargne di Dolcé,
literally disappear in one instant! Completely blown to dust and rubble
from an enormous explosion caused by the murderous negligence of Albert Speer's Nazi Engineers but then simply
reported as a military accident. You
will feel the Heartbreaking Betrayal of WWII's Bravest Soldiers THE ARMED FORCES OF POLAND - Betrayed at Yalta
by the 'Big3' Leaders of the Grand Alliance in the final days of WWII. An entire army of triumphant
Polish warriors in their height of glorious victory – turn sad,
confused, and angry!
HISTORICAL NOTE: At the Yalta conference,
Churchill and Roosevelt hand Poland over to Joseph Stalin! In protest of such a heartless act of betrayal thirty
Polish officers and men in north-central Italy commit a public suicide. They had been honorable
Polish war veterans who defeated Nazi-Fascism, liberated Italy, and stood for a while... ... as
the true glorious winners of WWII. WE DEDICATE "THE WAR OF LIONS" TO
THESE BRAVE LIBERATORS OF ITALY AND TRUE WINNERS OF WWII. Ever since the 1939 Nazi-Soviet invasions of Poland, it
was THEIR WAR. They fought
it victoriously for the Polish nation and for the world. They won defeating Nazi-Fascism in 1945 – But,
their reward was BETRAYAL. Why? Because the 'other enemy' - JOSEPH STALIN - who had conspired with Adolf
Hitler in the 1939 joint invasions of Poland, had become a main actor in Europe's war. In 1945
he asserted his claim to eastern Poland as 'lawfully gained' by his 1939 invasion. Then, he
also took the western half which had been lost by his former partner in crime. Consequently, the war's most valiant fighters who defeated Nazi-Fascism
and liberated Italy, had been robbed of their rightfully earned 'Victorious Homecoming.
They had fought long and hard for their beloved Poland, for which a quarter-million of their brothers had been sacrificed. THE BETRAYAL had transformed the noble and victorious Polish Armed Forces into a huge crowd of homeless exiles scattered all over Europe. Poland's honorable war veterans could never return to their homeland! They would never again see their spouses
... ... Neither their families nor their homes!

THE WAR OF LIONS - Reprisal of the LIONS |

THE WAR OF LIONS - Reprisal of the LIONS |
Who are "Hitler's Nazi
Todt Engineers"? Adolf
Hitler considered them to be his personal organization of great (super-Aryan) engineers. After having conquered
the world, "his" plans (or fantasies) were to use Todt's Nazi Engineers to rebuild
great cities – Berlin, Vienna, Rome, etc. – and he (Hitler)
would be the Great Architect and Creator over all "his" works. Accordingly, "his" Nazi Todt
Engineers would continue to build for "him" even after his death – after which "his
Nazi Engineers" would keep "his visions" updated and they would continue
to implement "his plans" in order for "his successors" to finish rebuilding the
rest of the planet for "him" according to "his" wishes! (Repetitions intended) Read about how Adolf Hitler had furtively
managed to take full control of Fritz Todt's engineers in order to achieve his military world-conquest. Read about why Hitler put the organization into the hands
of his very good friend, the ARCHITECT, ALBERT SPEER, with dreams of making it the Führer's construction service
dedicated to Great Nazi Rebuilding Works. Read
about how ALBERT SPEER would prepare the "Todt Organization" for Hitler's post-war enthronement as the GREAT ARCHITECT CREATOR for their shared delusion of Aryan World