Criminal Negligence of the Third Reich
Murder by Nazi negligence –
(CONTINUED) In October 1944, Albert Speer's Nazi Todt Organization had secretly requisitioned from 'Wehrmacht-Ordnance' delivery of a Munitions Train of Fifteen Railcars Loaded with TNT. Its secret purpose was to carry
out the covert implosion of "La Chiusa" Brenner railroad tunnel, hence flooding the entire valley after
Germany's abandonment of Mussolini’s Nazi-Fascist R.S.I.
By this time the Allies had been in Italy more than a
year and the Adige River Valley had become constant target of Allied aerial attacks along the Brenner Road from our family’s
town, Volargne di Dolcé, to the Brenner Pass, where bomb-loads had been dropped daily. During these raids on the
Brenner Pass, Allied pilots took notice of mechanized Wehrmacht units
in the vicinity of Volargne, grouped for rail-loading.

This short 4-minute
video (below) is an excellent simulation of the daily B25 bombing-runs to the Brenner Pass by the US Air
Corps in 1944. It was produced and published by Doug Cook and Harry George Jr. They created
it by simulating the flight directly on Google Earth imagery over a 3D-USGS base map. What makes this video excellent is the perfect 3D view of the Adige River Valley as described
and narrated in "The War of Lions." Natural features such as mountains and streams haven't changed since 1944. The communities, however, are more populated and the video shows the new elevated
Brenner super-highway which didn't exist in 1944. Still, what you see
in this short 4-minute video are the same communities that existed during the war, including Volargne (totally
re-built), and also the nearby town of Dolcé, and 'La
Chiusa di Ceraino.' No doubt that the 'bird's eye view' originally
seen by the B25 pilots had to be almost the same as you'll see in this video (below).
Sittin' out the war in Volargne, Italy. Ever since the war's outbreak, the Perantoni family had been staying in Volargne where Carlo had kept the family's ancestral domicile since the 19th century. Volargne
is located next to the bountiful Valpolicella wine markets, conveniently situated on the Brenner Road
& Rail Way, and had been the anchor
for our family's wine export business since 1875. This is where Carlo, Luigi, and Victor had often stayed during their wine-purchasing trips from Poland to Italy. But, because of the war, the family
had been on and extended stay in Volargne since 1939. 1944 was
their 5th year of extended stay with no end in sight. The previous year, the invasion of
Italy took place with Allied landings in Sicily and in southern Italy. The invasion was making
the war increasingly real ... and it was getting closer. The
previous four years Carlo's family had grown to seven members which include the newlywed spouses, Luigina
and Maria, wives of Victor and Luigi. — Two other families of relatives stayed in Carlo's
tenement also. Below
are 3 images of Volargne in the 1930's: 1) The Perantoni domicile. 2) River business district. 3) Train approaching 'La Chiusa di Ceraino.'

The war comes to Volargne in 1944 Our town Volargne was situated in the bottleneck of a
huge military traffic jam that resulted from the Wehrmacht's
panic retreat to the Brenner Pass in Autumn and Winter of 1944. Its specific location is between the Valpolicella wine region and the adjacent Lake Garda region,
where in the previous year Adolf Hitler had established Mussolini's renegade Nazi-Fascist command center (the R.S.I) in the town of Saló. Consequently, our
region was kept targeted in the very cross-hairs of the Allied Forces final offensives of WWII. In November 1944,
the infamous 15 covert railcars packed to their capacity with multiple tons of TNT had arrived at Volargne’s
rail-yard for delivery to Albert Speer's Nazi Todt Engineers. Neither the Perantoni family nor any fellow citizens of Volargne
had knowledge of what the 15 railcars contained. Had they known
of the alarming contents they would not have slept easily.
Sudden &
utter destruction! - First of its kind. Nine months prior to the Atomic bomb!
Carelessness and the imprudent
disregard that Hitler's Nazi Todt Engineers held for Italian citizens had caused the murderous sudden total
destruction of our town. The secret plan of Hitler’s Nazi Todt Organization and the negligence
of their engineers caused the murder of Volargne’s school-children, together with teachers and nuns.
All this happened in a single instant, while the majority of adults had been away on slave
labor. The Nazi Todt Organization blamed the disaster on an aerial attack
by the U.S. Air Corps and then reported it as a ‘military accident.’ Instead,
it was murder by obvious negligence and disdain for the safety of others. The
blood of Volargne’s schoolchildren, the nuns, the teachers, and others, is on Germany's hands. To this day Germany has not apologized. Even
though Albert Speer had been tried at Nuremberg for enforcing civilian slave labor elsewhere
in Europe, Volargne di Dolcé had NOT been mentioned at the Nuremberg
Trials. Neither for enforcing slave labor
nor for the total obliteration of our town and not even for the murders of the school
children and the murder of their teachers and nuns. MURDERED BY NEGLIGENCE OF NAZI ENGINEERS
Who are "Hitler's
Nazi Todt Engineers"? Adolf Hitler considered them to be "his" personal
organization of great (super-Aryan) engineers. After having conquered the world "his" plans (or fantasies) were to use Todt's Nazi Engineers to rebuild great cities – Berlin, Vienna, Rome, etc. – and
he (Hitler) would be the Great Architect and Creator over all "his" works. Accordingly, "his" Nazi Todt Engineers would
continue to build for "him" even after his
death, after which "his Nazi Engineers" would keep "his visions" updated – and they
would continue to implement "his plans" in order
for "his successors" to finish rebuilding
the rest of the planet for "him" according to ... ... "his" wishes! (Repetitions intended) Read about how Adolf Hitler had furtively managed to take
full control of Fritz Todt's engineers in order to achieve world-conquest with coordinated reconstruction plans. Read about why Hitler put the organization into the hands
of his very good friend, the ARCHITECT ALBERT SPEER, to share his dreams of making it the Führer's construction service dedicated to Great Nazi Rebuilding Works. Read
about how ALBERT SPEER would prepare the "Todt Organization" for Hitler's post-war enthronement as the GREAT ARCHITECT CREATOR for their shared
delusion of Aryan World Domination.
But, it is largely unknown outside the local Adige River Valley region. For
it had been left marginalized at most levels of Italy's new democratic post-war government. In 1944 the destruction of Volargne had been ignored by the entire world, as it continues to be mostly unknown today. However, the account is remembered quite well
by survivors and their descendants. "The War of Lions" will honor their memories
Reports about
the destruction of Volargne went largely unnoticed by all levels of government, as the escalation of war had
left Italian civilians with hardly any useful administration. Therefore, the provision of aid to the distressed
and homeless residents of Volargne was limited to procurement from local parishes, and their loving parishioners. On
occasion, 'unofficial' help and provisions were offered by Italian soldiers assigned to Axis Forces stationed
in the R.S.I. No assistance had
been offered by neither the Wehrmacht nor other representatives of Nazi Germany who dominated the region.
The culprits themselves, Hitler's Todt Engineers, carried on by ignoring the disaster that they had caused, and placing the blame on the US Air Corps. Also, they expressed anger on the fallen American pilot for having destroyed
their 15 train-cars packed of TNT needed for their cowardly secret plan to flood the valley, with
its riverside towns and villages. Now, having failed their mission, their disdain and contempt toward Italian
citizens has increased ten-fold. Also,
accounts and narratives of the disaster had been left in neglected marginal records and minimized, all due
to lack of civil administration during northern Italy's difficult months of the war’s heightened
conclusion. Not until the 1970s & 1980s have belated chronicles and overdue documentations been made public, recording Volargne's unique history in WWII. Collections of salvaged records and newspaper interviews, photographs and testimonies
of survivors are only some of the efforts that local and regional agencies have recently undertaken in
the destruction' of Volargne many years after the town had been rebuilt. The necessity of producing this story for Film and TV will give much desired refreshment to historical facts that have been hidden far too long by the destructive machinations of Nazi-Fascism. MURDERS and DESTRUCTION ... Swept Under Hitler's Rug.
The winter
and spring 1944-1945 were periods of huge confusion and scarce resources for Axis Forces in northern Italy and notably worse for the region's civilian residents. Even the newspapers and their news reports had become scanty as they were
being highly censured by north Italy's R.S.I. regime. Moreover, the highly disorganized
Nazi-Fascist leadership fell fast during the decisive Allied offensives of 1945 and it was in a state of chaotic capitulation the next five months after the destruction of Volargne. Thus,
our town had been given neither much attention nor care, after the disaster. On 29 April 1945 the murdered body of
Benito Mussolini was put on a demonic display* in Piazzale Loreto, Milano, next to the bodies
of 17 other top Fascist leaders, all of them hung by their heels.* That day Italian
Fascism ceased to exist* and Italy had
been left in chaotic shambles without a central government the next 13 months. More specifically, the Allied Military Government (A.M.C) ruled
Italy for 6-months – until September 1945 – and then left Italian
people under control of local city-governments with a national infrastructure almost similar to that of medieval Italy. The A.M.C left orders to hold a democratic referendum in June 1946. So then, Italy continued
to remain completely de-centralized over the following nine months. During that time many wartime records had been destroyed (or lost) due to Italy’s obscure and
challenging post-war politics. This way, Italy had no central
government until June 1946 ... but only chaos! Twenty months had passed from the day Volargne had been instantly
obliterated to the day that Italians held elections establishing a new republic in 1946. Still even then, a very problematic period of post-war democratic
rule had begun for the reason that Italy's new multi-party republic had to struggle against a large powerful communist
influence, thus causing inadequate administration and lack of control. Government leadership in Italy hadn't normalized until the late 1950s. Consequently, accounts about Volargne's catastrophe became minimized and ignored. Some accounts referring to the destruction of Volargne
have identified it as having been a result of “war bombing” which caused even more confusion because other historical accounts that specifically address WWII "war
bombings" in Italy do not include Volargne because, in fact ... it had NOT been
a bombing!

Volargne utterly
destroyed, but not by bombs! It was not the result of bombings! Not at all. Volargne had never been bombed! In typical bombing runs of WWII, civilians had usually been alerted and
took shelter before the arrival of bomber planes. Moreover, even the worst strategic bombing missions
of the pre-atomic period did not cause the sudden and utter destruction of towns. The destruction of Volargne, instead, came without any warning and the entire town had been
destroyed instantaneously! NOT A BOMBING! The engineers
of Albert Speer's Nazi Todt Organization had left their 15 train-cars packed full of TNT completely exposed to the likelihood of enemy fire. It was an obvious target of opportunity, left conspicuously
parked, isolated from other trains, and guarded day and night by multiple German soldiers. As should've been expected, it had been attacked! Albert Speer's extremely perilous train had been detonated by machine-gun fire from war-planes of the U.S. Air Corps on a reconnaissance mission. HITLER'S NEGLIGENT "NAZI
TODT" ENGINEERS CAUSE THE DEATH OF THEIR CHILDREN Instantly, Volargne had been flattened to rubble and dust, killing at least 64 civilians including Carlo's sister Amabile, and several of our relatives, and all the school
children ... while their parents were away on slave labor. SLAVE LABOR FOR ALBERT SPEER'S NAZI-PARTY ENGINEERS
SAVES THE PARENTS LIVES The blast also killed an unknown number of Italian and German soldiers and wounded hundreds more. The exact number of all the victims is still unknown. By chance, that morning the
majority of Volargne's adults had been marched off as slave labor to build military obstacles as requested
by Albert Speer.

CLICK FOR LARGE VIEW ---------------------------------------------------------CLICK FOR LARGE VIEW |
by disregard for safety of civilians The explosion was so huge that its power forcefully
bounced across the entire Alpine region from alpine foothill to foothill. Its ear-shattering blast had been heard
throughout the entire Adige river valley, throughout the entire Valpolicella and Lake Garda region. It
had been one of the largest explosions on earth prior to the atomic bomb. The
headlines in the above newspaper state that about "96 percent" of Volargne’s buildings had been completely destroyed "like it was on Monte Cassino". There, however, the destruction sustained in
Cassino and the fortified Abbey took over 4 months of bombing and shelling. In
contrast, however, the destruction of Volargne had occurred in one single instant ... and the
town was no more! The majority of Volargne's adults, including
the children's mothers and fathers, had been miles away to build
military obstacles as slave laborers authorized by Albert Speer. When
the gargantuan explosion was heard, they were promptly transported back. At their arrival they found
Volargne utterly destroyed. The town center, the church, the convent, and the school had become rubble
and dust, they found their homes completely destroyed ... vanished ... and they found their
Credits: Gianfranco Policante & Pro Loco Volargne |
Courtesy of Gianfranco Policante and Pro Loco Volargne |
U.S. Air Corps shares NO culpability in this tragedy
Reconnaissance firing on 15 suspicious cargo train-cars in a rail-yard is nothing
more than conventional warfare. Surely, the American pilots had no intention
to destroy our nearby town, and the proof comes with the ill-fated Air Corps' recon mission which had been almost
entirely doomed by the unexpected colossal explosion — which, above all else — had even
killed one of the pilots!
It should be noted that 2nd Lt. Edwin Screven Frierson of the 57th Fighter Group/64th Squadron of the 12th U.S. Air Corps was the unintentional ... ...
sacrificed American pilot. 2nd Lt. Frierson was 19
years old. He was from De Soto, Louisiana. Lieutenant Frierson's 'P47 Thunderbolt' had been taken down by the unexpected surprisingly huge
vortex from the giant explosion that destroyed Volargne di Dolcé. The
other pilots made it back to their air-base safely, but with damaged warplanes. Lieutenant Frierson did not know that his sacrificial act of firing his .50-caliber machine-guns
on that perilous Nazi train packed with TNT ... was in fact, an unbeknown act of heroism! The
explosives contained in those fifteen dangerous train cars, that Hitler's Nazi Todt Engineers had – unsafely
parked – adjacent to our town Volargne, were meant to implode the railroad tunnel of 'La Chiusa' foothills
for the clandestine and illegal purpose of causing the Adige river to flood the valley, upstream. The flooded valley would've created an Alpine lake that would've effectively prevented
pursuit by Allied Forces from using the Brenner Pass — leading into Austria and Germany — the
last of many cowardly acts commited by Nazi-Germany south of the Alps. A cowardly act of Nazi desperation
in their panic-escape from the noble justice of Allied Nations. It would've been an act of cowardly self-preservation ... Nazi-Germany's sinful survival at the cost of innocent civilians, thousands of citizens in the unsuspecting riverside communities who ... ... would've been flooded without warning! But, Lieutenant Edwin Frierson prevented the intended terrible outcome that Nazi-Germany
had in mind for our fellow citizens of the Adige River Valley. Just
as 2Lt. Frierson had been totally unaware that firing on that dangerous Nazi train would've taken his life, he
was also unaware that having given his life in sacrifice was an act of heroism – for the lives
of many. Moreover, there's no doubt that the Lieutenant's heroic service had thwarted the Wehrmacht's ability to regroup and fortify a new defense north of the Alps. But instead, unable to evade the Allied incessant pursuit caused the Wehrmacht to lose command-&-control of
their troubled units in north Italy and southwest Europe. Consequently, secret talks for 'negotiated
surrender' began in Feb.1945 which led to Germany's FIRST "Unconditional Surrender" in
Caserta, Italy on 29 April 1945 ... ... while Adolf Hitler was still alive! The
victims of our town's disaster on 21 November 1944 have shared their lives in sacrifice with the
courageous pilot, 2Lt. Edwin Screven Frierson's Act of Heroism.
Frierson was wearing a pilot's "in case of death" tag which requested to be buried near the site of
impact so that his remains might be easily found ... ... by the U.S. Air Corps at a later time.
His wish had been obliged by survivors of Volargne who buried him in the shade of a cherry tree near
... ... the rail-yard where his P47 had fallen. Accordingly, later
his squadron recovered his remains.
U.S. Air Corps pilots had NOT acted with negligence Whereas, the deliberate endangerment of a civilian population
is clearly against the 1929 Geneva Convention. As
a matter of fact, the endangerment of innocent civilians is a top violation of the Geneva Convention's highest protocol! Hitler's Nazi Todt Engineers had deliberately violated the top Geneva Convention
protocol, causing murder and destruction.
SPECIAL CREDIT is given to Mr. MARCO FARAONI, attorney, who in 2012 published
an extraordinary research book titled "Missione 2662" — subtitle translated: "The Disaster of Volargne from Allied Military Documents." Details about 2Lt. Frierson have derived from his book.