CONTINUED FROM KICKSTARTER Was he history's greatest manipulator? ...Or, did he manipulate history?
(CONTINUED) Filmmakers have NOT snubbed
WWII in Italy. Hollywood
and Cinecitta’ have neither snubbed Italians nor Italy on film, but
the topic of WWII in Italy had been influenced by a powerful sinister force in the 1940s and its effect is
still with us.
Not a paranormal
force! Not even a supernatural event. Instead, it's a powerful force
who had manipulated history during World War Two. The manipulator was Joseph Stalin. His motive was to obtain the historical glory of
having defeated Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich. He coveted the glory
as savior of his people — as Russia’s avenging protector. In the final stages of the war, as
the glory that Stalin craved came within his reach, he tactfully had caused Anglo-American forces
to halt in the west – while his Soviet army took Berlin single-handed from the east. (More below in "crimes,
schemes, & manipulations" to explain why "WWII in Italy" lacks discovery by
the film industry.) Likewise, Stalin minimized the Italian campaign's victorious Polish contributions in defeating
Nazi-Fascism which brought WWII to end on 29 April 1945 (while
Hitler was still alive) and more than a week prior to the ceremonies of Germany's surrender, on
May 7–8, 1945. (See "crimes, schemes, and manipulations" below, for
more details about why "WWII in Italy" lacks representation by the film industry.) From
February to May 1945, Joseph Stalin took many precautions to ensure that there be neither hindrance nor
intrusion in obtaining historical glory as 'Savior of Mother Russia',
which he longed for. He was a man
with lavish strength of mind and intense character capable to carry out his willpower with a determination of steel. Translated from Russian: 'Stalin'
means 'Steel'.
QUOTING LAURENCE REES from “Politics, World War II” “There is little evidence
that Stalin possessed the slightest genuine humanity or compassion. Individuals meant nothing to him. A deeply suspicious and paranoid man,
he would do whatever necessary for his own survival, including murder men, women, children, and condemn whole nations of innocent people. Whatever
necessary — even be charming. ” QUOTING LAURENCE
REES from “Politics, World War II” “In fact,
by all accounts, Stalin was a brilliant negotiator, winning concessions for the Soviets
that would shape the postwar world to his liking, while schooling the Allies in the art of using
force and charm to get one’s way." "His lack of personal vanity
meant that he could let Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt drone on
while he silently plotted his next move.
Whenever Stalin spoke, as one member of the British delegation noted, it was “very much to the
point.” "Indeed, so outstanding was Stalin’s performance in meetings that Anthony Eden, the British foreign
secretary, subsequently wrote that, “If I had to pick a team for going into a conference room,
Stalin would be my first choice.” QUOTING THE YUGOSLAV WRITER MILOVAN DJILAS: The writer
Milovan Djilas, who met Stalin at the end of the war, said this about Stalin’s photographic memory: “This made him a very effective spy prior to the Revolution, as it was not necessary for
him to keep written notes." "At
a party in Moscow during a bright spot in the war against Germany, he startled a British consular officer
with his ability to recite many verses of Goethe's Faust in German from memory, after
this same official had read a line of that work from a small book he was carrying in his pocket (Svandize)." M. Djilas said:"This memory gave Stalin a tremendous administrative throughput enabling him to create and and manipulate an enormously powerful bureaucratic apparatus
which his less able successors were unable to control, hence one reason for the eventual but belated
demise of the USSR in 1991.” (by M. Djilas)
comments by historian writers clearly communicate the fortitude of Stalin's controlling personality in
a positive sense. Only the top comment by BBC writer Laurence Rees mentions Stalin's negative traits: murder, condemnation, paranoia, lack of compassion, inhumanity.
In the same comment, however, he also mentions Stalin's ability to
be charming ... or whatever works. The
other comments written from a positive viewpoint serve well to confirm the various documented accounts from WWII stating
that in his controlled calculated dealings with the Grand
Alliance and with Anglo-American leaders, Joseph Stalin often utilized charm and positive influence ... with brilliant negotiations. But, it lasted
only until spring of 1945 when problems sprung from Stalin's disagreements about Wehrmacht units on
the western front surrendering to Anglo-Americans ... and other German
units going to surrender in the west to avoid being captured by the Red Army. That's when Joseph Stalin finally disclosed
his true image to his Anglo-American Allies. It was the time which followed with even more
disagreement over the infamous Betrayal of Poland. Winter and Spring of 1945 was the period during
which the original "Uncle Joe" of the Grand Alliance known for his brilliant negotiations with positive influence and occasional charm ... ... ceased to exist, and never returned. In July, at the Potsdam conference,
Joseph Stalin was regarded with suspicion by U.S. President Harry
Truman who saw him in the image of the Communist Dictator of the Soviet Union that would be known by the rest of the world in the Cold War years to follow. In time, Joseph Stalin's image would
be disclosed as a 'Cruel Tyrant'.
Stalin was determined to obtain 'sacred glory' at all costs, to make his name
immortal among Russian people. His mission for 'sacred
glory' is accurately manifest in the voluminous history about ‘Stalin
Worship.' 'Stalin Worship' is
factual truth. It was everyday truth in the 20th century, as it continues to be in our 21st century.
Worship’ had been seeded in the 1930s, it fully matured in the 1940s and it continues strong even
today. Joseph Stalin’s name reached conceptual immortality as groups and nations
have attached titles of veneration to his name. Titles
such as: "Father of Nations“ – “Guiding Star” –
“Wise Inspirer” etc.
Worshipers gave him titles even after his death. — Sacred titles
that are used even today — Scholars outside the realm of 'Stalin Worship'
have observed that Stalin the “All-Powerful - All Knowing - Omnipresent
World Leader” had personality characteristics
intensely skilled in influencing people. In this way, he had influenced groups and nations thru his personality – and his name continues promoting
his personality even after his death — as the dominant saint of atheism. But, what does this have
to do with ‘WWII in Italy’ lacking
representation from the film industry? The answer is with Joseph Stalin's record of diplomatic
manipulations during WWII.
Highlights: He marginalized the
history of Polish warriors as Italy's gallant liberators and he exploited their achievements in the
Italian campaign. Why? Stalin's hate for Poland dates back to his
defeat in the 1920 Polish-Soviet War. Moreover, the heroic actions of the Polish 2nd Corps in liberating Italy, coupled with their famous victories defeating Nazi-Fascism, conflicted
with Stalin's underhanded plans to make Poland become his 'captive nation' in post-war Europe.
Above all, the
distinguished triumphs and festive victories of noble Polish warriors were in direct conflict with Stalin's quest
for independent historical glory as — the Savior of Russia — (Continued below)
MANIPULATIONS Thus – in 1945 Joseph Stalin diverted the world's
attention to the war's conclusion in north Europe focusing on the Soviet Battle for Berlin. This way, he stifled Poland's contributions in the Italian campaign, suppressing the
battlefield actions of noble Polish fighters in defeating Italy's Nazi-Fascism and liberating Italy, during
which the Polish 2nd Corps gave the Third Reich its lethal blow – directly in the "soft underbelly" of Hitler's "Fortress Europa." STALIN’S DIPLOMATIC MANIPULATIONS AND CRAFTY EXPLOITATIONS DURING WORLD WAR II
Stalin was the 'other' villain who in 1939 had deviously
conspired for a criminal assault on Poland with Adolf Hitler's mighty War Machine, combined with his own Soviet Red Army. Together with Hitler, he manipulated popular opinion by disguising their
conspiracy as a "non-aggression pact" — but really instead, it was
an underhanded plan of aggression to plunder
and annihilate Poland using their two aggressive and violent armies. It was the invasion that triggered WWII.
Soon after Hitler's double-cross "Operation
Barbarossa" in late June 1941, Joseph Stalin needed a new image and new friends. But, as Hitler's partner
in crime, he was an enemy to most of the world. In spite of it, however, he
cleverly manipulated world opinion again
in 1941, positioning himself as one of the Grand Alliance
‘Big3’ and promoting his transformation to his new image
on magazine covers everywhere ... as the friendly “Uncle Joe.” From 1941 to 1943, "Uncle Joe" Stalin’s main goal was to achieve a combat-active second front in the west. Its purpose would be to crush Nazi-Germany
between his Soviet Red Army in the east and Allied forces in the west. The
charming “Uncle Joe" obtained his second front from Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt using brilliant negotiation skill - and persuasion - winning their consensus and their compromises.
Russia's new Allies defeated Axis
enemies in north Africa. Then in Sept 1943 the invasion
of Italy starts warfare with the Wehrmacht in western Europe – winning all battles on landing-sites
and other enemy encounters also – this way, the combat-active
second front that Stalin had pled for is finally achieved in early 1944 as
Allied Forces push Wehrmacht units into their primary line of defense from where their final retreat will begin in May 1944. The Wehrmacht's "Gustav
line" was their dominant line of defense in southern Italy where German units regrouped after combat
with Allied landings and other engagements with Allied Forces. It became fully consolidated for German defense as Wehrmacht units retrograded between January and May 1944. During that period Allied assaults defeated the German stronghold on Monte Cassino and broke thru the Gustav line, moving Stalin's combat-active
second front northward ... on the tail of retreating Germans. From May 1944 to April 1945 the British 8th Army gained a string of
celebrated victories won by their distinguished Polish Second Corps. It
was a 12-month period of laudable combat actions that advanced Allied Forces to Mussolini's RSI in
northern Italy where defeated Germans were trying to escape thru Alpine mountain passes, while others units were grouping to surrender. These were
the chronicles of victory about how Stalin's combat-active second front in
north Italy became a powerful western battlefield in April 1945 and it would cause the fall of Hitler's
Nazi Third Reich only a few weeks later. The power of the victorious western battlefield came from intrepid
and fearless Polish warriors who, together with their
vast number of sacrificed brothers, defeated a superior German stronghold and liberated
Italy as they pursued German forces in retreat.
JOE SHOWS HIS OTHER SIDE IN 1944 The defeat of Nazi Germany had been unveiled at the legendary battle on Monte Cassino. A distinguished
victory by the British 8th Army's Polish 2nd Corps. Joseph Stalin should've
been elated about it. But he was not. It troubled him. But why?
What's eating "Uncle Joe Stalin" ?? His false image as the benevolent
“Uncle Joe” of 1942-43 began gradually ceasing to exist in 1944 soon after Polish Forces made their
debut in the Italian Campaign. The
notable victory in the Battle of Monte Cassino in May 1944 raised Stalin's concern to suppress the
increasing prominence of the Polish 2nd Corps. Their
distinguished battlefield bravery would triumph into a string of victories for the Italian campaign that eventually caused the defeat of Nazi-Fascism and initiate the total fall of Hitler's Third Reich. The true status of 'Uncle Joe' as Foe to Allied Forces and to
western nations, starts to become apparent in the late months of 1944 - and then it becomes positively confirmed
in early 1945 ... ... and it's all negative from there. Although Joseph Stalin's original goal for a combat-active second front is being met — and even though it's being met
with distinguished military nobility of fearless Polish soldiers of the British 8th Army, it's
been aggravating "Uncle Joe Stalin" from the day the Polish flag had been raised
over the ruins on Monte Cassino. "UNCLE JOE" IS ANNOYED BY THE MILITARY HONORS AWARDED TO POLISH 2ND CORPS. Clearly, he's NOT annoyed by the constant British victories. What aggravates him is that victories are
being attributed to Polish troops ... as if Poland was winning the war! And why not? After all, it had been Poland's war the day it started
on 1 Sept 1939. It became Poland's fight the first day of Germany's criminal invasion. But, Adolf Hitler is not the only guilty foe
of the war. Stalin had been the 'other villain'
who conspired with Hitler to annihilate Poland – Now, the 'Big3's villain. Would the world remember that a
few weeks after Germany invaded Poland from the west on Sept 1st, the Soviet Army rolled in from the east on the 17th? Now in 1944, more than five years later, the press reports that Poland
is retaliating with honor ... ... to Adolf Hitler's 'Nazi War Machine. Moreover, inspiration resulting from celebrated victories of the valiant Polish 2nd Corps had embraced new Allied units across the Alps, and also
... the 'Polish Forces of the West.' At the same time, intrepid combat of brave Polish warriors had disheartened and weakened the guilty hearts of tired German troops – now in retreat all
over Europe! And while the general mood of his
western Allies was one of high spirits, Stalin instead was
aggravated by the fame and notoriety credited to heroic Polish troops. Stalin reasoned
that many had formerly been his slaves in Siberian prisoner camps and in his work gulags and he was certain that they would be his rival enemies. Would taking part in defeating Hitler's Nazi
Germany give Stalin's Soviet Union some redemption? Surely not from men of good sense. But, like Hitler, Stalin relates neither to redemption nor good sense. Instead, in 1944 Stalin's cares were that reports of Polish heroism in his war for Russia would be in conflict with his post-war vision of having Poland in captivity. Above all, Polish heroism would be a failing of the 'sacred glory' that he treasured.
In northern Italy there's 'victory' in
the air! By January 1945 the Anglo-American western front has become an arduous crushing barrier to German movement and resupply. The front in north Italy has succesfully met the
original goal as planned in 1941 with Joseph Stalin. Now, the Third Reich is limping backwards
into defensive positions on all fronts ... and Stalin has a new goal. Having achieved a devastating western
front, now Stalin is focusing on making
the forthcoming victory over Germany to be a 'Glorious Victory' for Russia and an awful disgrace for Germany. To this end, he manipulates
the prospective finale of WWII to the advantage of the Soviet Union. Early in February the fall of Hitler's Third Reich is gradually showing to be an obvious reality to Allies and foes alike. Now, Joseph
Stalin decides
that a 'Total Victory' should belong exclusively to the Soviet Union. By mid-March Berlin seems to be
within Stalin's reach and, likewise, his vision of a totally exclusive Soviet victory also seems reachable. A symbolic-political victory in the capital city of Nazi-Germany is necessary to Stalin for obtaining the historical glory of having won the war. Stalin’s manipulations of the Grand Alliance become firm and decisive
in April as he resolves to obtain a solo victory
for Soviets in Berlin, single-handed! Persuasive diplomacy with General Eisenhower succeeds
to allow the Red Army have the 'solo honor' of taking Berlin — unassisted.
ITALY – spring 1945: There's 'surrender' in the air. But Joseph
Stalin raises angry protests
against Polish 2nd Corps & Anglo-American Allies taking a
separate German surrender.
To avoid being captured by the Soviet Union's Red Army, German commanders
in the west are having 'secret talks' (hoping to negotiate)
about surrendering their units to Western Allies in Italy. The
talks go on secretly. In
April harassments by US Air Corps isolate Wehrmacht units by cutting-off their movement and resupply
routes. German commanders' secret talks slowly progress from
'negotiated surrender' to accept unconditional surrender. The talks
are still kept secret from the Soviets. Joseph Stalin suspects the possibility
of German surrender to Anglo-Americans and he becomes vigilant to prevent any surrender
being made separately with western Allies. Stalin's greatest apprehension is
the possibility of German unit commanders surrendering to the Polish 2nd Corps in the battlefield. Gossip
circulates the Red Army about Wehrmacht units avoiding Soviet capture by heading west to surrender. This provokes Joseph Stalin to mistrust Anglo-American commanders, thus raising his suspicions that
a possible surrender might soon be happening in the west ... ...
separately from the Soviet Union. 'UNCLE
JOE' CEASES TO EXIST Stalin is not friendly anymore! The thought of Poland
being credited with a German surrender exasperates Stalin, thus provoking him to curb Polish
prominence by any means. In April, as the reality of an expected German surrender in the west increases,
Joseph Stalin tactfully persuades the Anglo-American command
that Polish units should neither acquire a surrender nor be present at one. APRIL and MAY 1945: Stalin manipulates history for his personal desires. His influence
alters the expected outcome of WWII causing Allied units to halt at the
Elbe River so that the Soviets might take Berlin single-handed! He manipulates the Anglo-American command in Italy to
hold Polish forces south of the Po River after they defeat
the Wehrmacht in Bologna.
General Wladislaw Anders is prevented from leading his noble Polish warriors in
pursuit of Wehrmacht units defeated in Bologna. Stalin prevents Polish 2nd Corps from entering the Lombardy plain in triumphant pursuit of beaten
Germans after Battle of Bologna. Victorious Polish fighters being held back from further pursuing defeated Wehrmacht units to prevent any possibility of Germans surrendering to Polish
Soon to be posted how Joseph Stalin's influence on the Italian Campaign has endured to this
day. The Italian Campaign's perspective of WWII is very interesting and it comes with
lots of fascinating social-cultural wartime events, both military and civilian human interest.
It's a goldmine
of unexploited history and many other resources for film. The War of Lions / Reprisal of Lions fills a large void in this genre. (More to be continued)