The Impact of Monte Cassino

TRUE Protagonists
BENITO MUSSOLINI visits Lwow Poland
THE SONS OF ITALY betrayed and hungry
Unfriendly Comrads MURDER ITALIANS
MONTE CASSINO Fearsome Impact
PRE-WAR YEARS Volargne di Dolcé
DESTRUCTION OF Volargne di Dolcé
The World Leaders BETRAY POLAND
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Impact from the Battle of Monte Cassino.


(CONTINUED) IT WAS POLAND'S WAR - And for its grand finale,
Poland defeats the Third Reich WINNING EVERY BATTLE.
Thus revealing the audacious tenacity and fearless
determination of honorable Polish soldiers! 

The Polish 2nd Corps had made a uniquely special contribution
in the war against Hitler's Germany. It was their unique battlefield
impact that couldn't be made by any of the other Allied nations.
It was the PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECT that they had on tired and
battle-worn, guilty German troops.

In 1939, Germany had been guilty of outrageous immoral warfare
in Poland. In 1944 the debut of General Anders' noble Polish troops
infect the western battlefield with psychological attrition, the effect
of guilt. From
among all other Allied nations unveiled on the new
western battlefield, only Poland had the psychological advantage of
causing attrition in Germany's guilty hearts – attrition before combat.

The 2nd Corps' psychological effect on German troops had been
a powerful force. Equally parallel to their audacious action on the
battlefield but, in addition, they represented POLAND, and had
come to avenge the murders, destruction, and misery that every
German soldier had been guilty of.

Germans shared the guilt of their Führer's illegal war. Some had
taken direct part in criminal acts – others were guilty of indirect
participation. But, mostly the sacred oaths that they had made to
their Führer and to his criminal organization had filled them with
blame and shame, thus, making them offenders by association.

The Führer had instilled in his armed forces a consciousness of
being a critical component of a war machine. Moreover, as Hitler
had proclaimed that his person, himself, represented the German
nation, so each soldier had been infused to consider himself as
a representative member of the Führer's body. Such spiritualistic
Nazi principles began to backfire in 1943 when German soldiers
had to face the alarming reality of their eastern front.

Then suddenly in 1944, the awesome debut of triumphant Polish
troops on their western front
 caused a devastating psychological
effect on German troops. It meant that Germany was sandwiched
between avengers of blood from both lands of their greatest crimes.

Thus, the implanted Nazi spirit in Germany's military becomes as
an evil possession from which they have no escape. It l
owers their
morale, taking the 'fight' out of fighting men and makes them weak.
And it's contagious, making their flanking units jointly weak also.
This way, Germany's Wehrmacht gradually deteriorates from the
invisible effects of psychological attrition, FEAR.

In contrast, THE ENVIABLE HIGH MORALE of General Anders'
Polish troops and the accounts of their PASSIONATE FIGHTING
strengthens each other and their flanking units. Wehrmacht troops,
instead, share their worries and weaken each other, thus promoting
the fear which is distressing Germany's fighting men.



LOW MORALE is distressing Hitler's Wehrmacht.

Wehrmacht commanders and their leaders had been totally
unprepared for such a psychological event taking place
in their ranks.
 Officers, from Lieutenants to Generals, had
difficulty recognizing it. Their own anxiety veiled it.

The PL2Corps had delivered an EPIDEMIC OF FEAR.
But, German officers had neither been trained nor had
experience in the detection and management of FEAR.

German leaders did not understand the contagious effects
that fear can produce among beleaguered, guilty troops.

Instead German leaders, like their Führer, stayed focused
on who they should blame for having units in retreat with
huge battle losses, while
all along they were casually
standing in the middle of an invisible epidemic.

With the speed of modern communications, the alarming
dismay of Polish retaliation
preceded the Wehrmacht's
retreat in Italy, going far beyond the Alps, spreading
forward to plague the souls of German troops every-
where in northern Europe, even in the heart of Germany.
Fear of Poland tarnished their glory and make them weak.

Instead, Polish victories from the Italian campaign sounded
loudly to all Polish warriors elsewhere in Europe as an
inspiring bugle-call to charge the enemy. 

Poland's noble reprisal arising from the audacious
combat of the Polish 2nd Corps, together with their
huge army of sacrificed heroes, was an emboldening
quick-time drum-beat of attack, that 
triumphed over
Hitler's Third Reich in 12 months.
From May 1944 to
April 1945 — from Monte Cassino to Bologna.


Carlo often said that Germans were less brutal and
more friendly when they were drunk on our wine
than when they were drunk on Nazi ideology.

On occasion, Victor had remarked that our family wine
business with German troops
 was as an open medium
for all the grumbles, gripes, gossips, slanders, and every
complaint that had surfaced in their units.

"It was difficult not to laugh" ... Victor liked to tell ... 
"neither smile nor giggle"
and he would crack up
into laughter telling 
... "whenever a drunken German
would (ha!) commiserate with me! (ha ha)... ME !!
... his fear of Polish revenge! ... ha ha ha"!!

Compared to the 1939 blitz of their origin, now German
stormtroopers were sharing our wine, and their fear.
Their nightmare would become Germany's trepidation
capable of cracking their Nazi crust and bringing out
their human sense of guilt.

Their new dread of Poland rendered the Wehrmacht 
unable to fight and triumph like they once did – and
they would never recover. Such was the impact
made by General Anders' Polish Second Corps
on Monte Cassino.

Winston Churchill had predicted that “the war will be
won in the soft underbelly of Europe” – and he was
absolutely right.
Germany lost the war to Poland
in May 1944 on Monte Cassino. The next eleven
months were Germany's slow death.